What can be found in the NIOD library?
The library’s core collection is made up of publications about the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies during the Second World War, including local and regional studies, memoirs, and publications on the persecution of Jews. In addition, NIOD has an extensive collection of books about the Second World War in other countries, with a particularly large collection about Germany.
Apart from the core collection, the NIOD library contains publications about the run-up to the Second World War (the First World War, emerging fascism, the interbellum) and its aftermath (purges, trials, Bersiap, Indonesian War of Independence, war victims). In addition to the large number of publications about the Holocaust, the library holds a growing collection of books and journals on genocide and large-scale violence in the 20th and 21st centuries.
In addition to books and (digital) journals, the library collection also contains newspapers, (aerial) pamphlets, and illegal magazines from the Second World War, theses, DVDs and an extensive collection of thematically arranged newspaper clippings (1933-2016).
Consulting library materials
You can consult the library materials in the Institute’s reading room. NIOD does not lend out materials. However, you can make photocopies and reserve materials by filling out a reservation slip.