Fellowships at NIOD
It is possible to join NIOD as a fellow for a period of two to six months.
By mutual agreement, the fellows undertake to deliver concrete and measurable products (e.g. an article, chapter, book, or presentation). The product depends on the project, purpose, and length of stay. The specifics are laid down in the agreement. The results are reviewed at the end of the stay.
- Fellows are employed by a university or research institute at home or abroad.
- Fellows work on their own PhD or postdoc research project that ties in with the NIOD’s mission and subject matter.
- Fellows sign an agreement: the hosting agreement.
- If the means allow it, NIOD may pay a stipend in exceptional cases.
- Senior and junior researchers (PhD students and recent post-docs) can apply to our research secretary via bestuurssecretariaat@niod.knaw.nl.
- The Head of Research coordinates the processing of applications. The NIOD management makes the final decision. The new fellows are given a place to work at the institute, and the final product is agreed upon. Abstracts of the fellows’ projects are posted on the website.