Are all collections freely accessible?
For each archive, access restrictions are indicated, as are the conditions for accessing a specific collection. You can find this information on our archive website, in the finding aid of the relevant archive under the heading ‘Openbaarheid’. See, for example, the finding aid of archive 103 Nederlandsche omroep:

The following three access regimes apply:
1: (Partial) access.
Explanation: The archive can be consulted without any restrictions, there is no need to sign the archive consultation form.
2: (Partial) Limited access (‘light’ regime). These documents can only be consulted with permission from the director of NIOD. Visitors who want to obtain permission can fill in a form at the front desk of NIOD’s reading room.
Explanation: If this is the case, you can come to NIOD, and sign the Archive Consultation Form; the material can then be consulted immediately.
3: (Partial) Limited access (‘heavy’ regime). These documents can only be consulted with permission from the director of NIOD. Researchers can submit their written requests to the director of the NIOD.
Explanation: If this regime applies, you must send a written request to our Institute, stating, among other things, the reasons for your request. The request can be made through the Archive Permission Form. After receiving written permission from NIOD’s director, you can come to the reading room to inspect the requested material. You will still need to sign the Archive Consultation Form.
We recommend carefully examining the finding aids in advance to see whether a document can be accessed without restriction or whether you should send the Director a written request for inspection before your visit. This may save you a trip to our reading room.
Please note that on account of the protection of privacy, it is generally not permitted to make reproductions of documents to which access is limited. In addition, you always need prior permission for photographing public documents.
For more information see NIOD’s service standards.