Programme online presentation research results 'Independence, Decolonization, Violence and War in Indonesia, 1945-1950'
Because of the current COVID-measures in the Netherlands, the presentation will be an online-only event. Everyone is welcome to attend this online presentation via livestream. You do not need to register to attend. The link to the livestream will be shared on the project website and via the newsletter two days before the presentation.
The programme will be livestreamed in Dutch and English simultaneously. After an introduction by Mariëtte Wolf, programme leader, and Frank van Vree, head of the board of the research programme, researchers will present the results of each project. Some presentations are live, others are short films. Dutch journalist Hans Goedkoop will interview the researchers about the results.
Viewers will be able to send the researchers questions during the broadcast via e-mail. Hans Goedkoop will read some of these questions to the researchers.
After the presentations of the projects a press conference will follow. The programme directors of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Netherlands Institute for Military History (NIMH) and NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Gert Oostindie, Ben Schoenmaker and Frank van Vree will present the most important conclusions of the research programme.
9:00 – Welcome by Mariëtte Wolf
9:05 – Introduction of the research programme by Frank van Vree
9:15 – The battle for intelligence in the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949- interview with Rémy Limpach
9:25 – Regional studies and the Dutch – Indonesian collaboration - video by Ireen Hoogenboom, Abdul Wahid, Yulianti, Farabi Fakih and Martijn Eickhoff
9:40 – Bersiap and the dynamics of violence in the first phase of the Indonesian Revolution, 1945-1946 - with Esther Captain and Onno Sinke
9:50 – The Dutch military-legal apparatus during the Indonesian Revolution - with Esther Zwinkels
10:00 – Heavy weapons in the Indonesian Revolution– with Azarja Harmanny
10:15 – Witnesses & Contemporaries - a portrait of the project (video), by Fridus Steijlen and Eveline Buchheim
10:25 – Researchers answer questions from the online audience
10:30 - Break
10:45 – The report Van Rij & Stam – a video with Maarten van der Bent
10:50 – Politics and governance – The Hague and Batavia - interview with Peter Romijn and Remco Raben
11:05 – International perspectives on the Indonesian War of Independence – a conversation with Jeroen Kemperman, Emma Keizer and Tom van den Berge
11:15 – The aftermath of the war 1950-2021 - short film with Meindert van der Kaaij
11:25 – Dutch, British and French extreme violence: a comparative perspective, 1945-1962 – a video, followed by an interview with Thijs Brocades Zaalberg and Bart Luttikhuis
11:35 – Researchers answer questions from the online audience
11:45 – Break
12:00 – Conclusions of the research programme by Gert Oostindie, Ben Schoenmaker and Frank van Vree
Press conference