De val van Srebrenica Luchtsteun en voorkennis in nieuw perspectief
This survey focuses on two topics that have recently attracted much media attention: international political decision-making on the provision of air support, and the prior knowledge of the intelligence services regarding the Bosnian Serb attack on the Srebrenica safe area and the exact purpose of this attack. Against the backdrop of the information contained in the large NIOD study from 2002, this survey adds clarity to the questions concerning air support and prior knowledge.
Download the survey De val van Srebrenica
You will find the survey De val van Srebrenica here. The report is only available in Dutch.
J.J.G. van der Bruggen, W. ten Have, J.M.L. van Bockxmeer, J. F. Cohen, R.D Hijzen, J. Kluessien
Advice: V. Petrović