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Opsporing, vervolging en berechting van internationale misdrijven in Nederland Expert-rapport mbt een gespecialiseerde officier van justitie voor de vervolging van IS strijders voor genocide

The Minister of Justice and Security has invited NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies to look into ‘the added value of a specialised prosecutor with a specific focus on the prosecution of IS fighters on charges of genocide’. The report was written by NIOD researcher Thijs Bouwknegt.

The report 'Investigation, prosecution, and trial of international crimes in the Netherlands' records the relevant context, legal framework, and legal infrastructure involved with the investigation, prosecution, and trial of international crimes in the Netherlands. It can be consulted on the website of the Dutch Government. On 16 October 2019, Minister Ferd Grapperhaus sent the report on to Parliament.


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