The Underground Camera The Last Year of the War. Amsterdam 1944 - 1945
Now the book The Hidden Camera. The last year of the war. Amsterdam 1944-1945 published by NIOD researchers Erik Somers and René Kok. About how resistance fighter Tony van Renterghem and filmmaker Fritz Kahlenberg led the collective and their photographs of the dire conditions managed to convince the Dutch government in exile of the need for Allied food drops.
The Underground Camera. The Last Year of the War Amsterdam 1944 - 1945, published by W Books, and authored by NIOD-researchers Erik Somers and René Kok show how resistance fighters Tony van Renterghem en filmmaker Fritz Kalhenberg led the collective and how their photographs managed to convince the Dutch government in exile of the need for Allied food drops by showing the dire conditions back home.
After the war, the photographers of The Underground Camera, including big names such as Cas Oorthuys, Charles Breijer, Marius Meijboom and Emmy Andriesse, became famous for their images that made a lasting contribution to the perception of the occupation. This book based on new archive research offers a unique insight into the daring missions of these photographers and their contribution to (photographic) history.
Exhibition in FOAM
FOAM presents the exhibition The Underground Camera from 1 May to 1 September. The occasion is the celebration of 750 years of Amsterdam and 80 years of liberation. The exhibition is curated by former Stedelijk Museum photography curator Hripsimé Visser, Foam curator Claartje van Dijk and exhibition designer Jeroen de Vries, in collaboration with NIOD.