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Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies Jaargang 10, nummer 1 (2021)

Er is een nieuw nummer van het tijdschrift Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies verschenen: jaargang 10, nummer 1 (2021). Het jubileumnummer bevat een debat over Donald Trump en fascisme studies, 8 artikelen en 5 recensie artikelen.

Table of Contents, Volume 10, issue 1 (2021):

  1. Paul Jackson et al. / Debate: Donald Trump and Fascism Studies 
  2. Tamas Dezso Ziegler / The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition as a Common Framework of Fascism and the Contemporary Far-Right
  3. Diego Navarro and Jesús Robledano-Arillo / Skogler: Photography at the Service of Falangism (Zaragoza, July 1936)
  4. Sean Donnelly / Michael Tierney and the Intellectual Origins of Blueshirtism, 1920-1938
  5. Fredrik Wilhelmsen / ‘The Wife Would Put on a Nice Suit, Hat, and Possibly Gloves’: The Misogynistic Identity Politics of Anders Behring Breivik
  6. Fredrik Wilhelmsen / Reconnecting Forwards: Nasjonal Samling’s Apocalyptic Temporality as a Key to the Fascist Regime of Historicity
  7. Mattias Gardell / ‘The Girl Who Was Chased by Fire’: Violence and Passion in Contemporary Swedish Fascist Fiction
  8. Tomas Poletti Lundström, Markus Lundström  / Radical-Nationalist Podcasting under a Post-Fascist Condition: The Swedish Podcast Motgift
  9. Tomislav Dulić / Fascism and (Transnational) Social Movements: A Reflection on Concepts and Theory in Comparative Fascist Studies

Book Reviews

  1. Nigel Copsey / Review essay
  2. Adrien Nonjon / Book review: Stéphane François, L’occultisme nazi: Entre la SS et l'ésotérisme (Paris: CNRS Editions, 2020)
  3. Angel Alcalde / Book review: Miguel Alonso, Alan Kramer, Javier Rodrigo, ed., Fascist Warfare, 1922-1945: Aggression, Occupation, Annihilation (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019)
  4. Nathaniël Kunkeler / Book review: Nicholas O'Shaughnessy, Marketing the Third Reich: Packaging and Propaganda (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018)
  5. Thomas Klikauer and Norman Simms / Book review: Niklas Frank, Dunkle Seele, feiges Maul: Wie absurd, komisch und skandalös sich die Deutschen beim Entnazifizieren reinwaschen (Bonn: J. H. W. Dietz Press, 2016)
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